Normalerweise bin ich nicht allzu sehr für irgendwelche Crowdfounding Kampagnen zu begeistern. Diese hier ist allerdings eine Ausnahme.
Das was Boyan auf die Beine stellen möchte, verdient den allergrößten Respekt und obendrein eigentlich jede müde Mark die man entbehren kann.
Also, mitmachen!
The Reality
Millions of tons of plastic are polluting our oceans, killing at least one million seabirds and one hundred thousand marine mammals each year. Impacting human health and causing billions of dollars of economic damage.
We should of course close the tap, preventing any more plastic entering the oceans in the first phase. But this is not a solution to the plastics trapped and persisting in the centre of the oceans. However, a clean-up of our oceans has always been deemed impossible, costing billions of dollars and thousands of years.
On June 3rd 2014, Boyan and his team of 70 experts proved the concept feasible. But he now needs your help, to turn it into reality.